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Ducted air conditioner

Ducted air conditioner


Ducted air conditioner

This post deals with ducted air conditioning. Below we will discuss the main points to consider when choosing the appropriate ducted air conditioning. VENTECH present the best ducted air conditioners.

Many of you will wonder what is a ducted air conditioning? but surely you know what it is.

Ducted air conditioning is a central device that distributes cool air throughout a home, business premises or office through ducts. They are also developed to send hot air or heating to the place where you want to install it. It can have different formats such as on the ceiling, floor or even in the form of a Split on the wall.

This type of equipment is planned so that it remains hidden from the user's view, placing a false ceiling or similar to hide it in this way we will prevent the device from being seen.

The equipment is connected to a network of ducts, it takes a room of air from its surroundings and transforms it into cold or hot, then proceed to distribute it throughout the place.

It should be noted that there are places where these devices are already pre-installed, as it is a very discreet and aesthetic solution for the user who seeks to air-condition the entire area in the best way.

The main aspects to consider when installing it are:

Pay attention to the installers and their professionalism as these people will handle the calculating the sections where the system will be located and the dimensions of the grilles and diffusers.

It is advisable to carry out this installation starting from the corridors to the rooms that want to be covered

Make sure contracted staff are doing an excellent job and using good quality materials

Also point out a remote place where the air conditioning can evacuate the water avoiding problems and dislikes to users

The truth is that the best option to air condition various rooms than ducted air conditioning, since it provides your home, business premises or office with cold air or well-distributed heating in the rooms you want and best of all, you will save money and power consumption when using it.

Below we describe the main advantages and disadvantages to consider when choosing your ducted air conditioning.

ducted air conditioner

Advantages and disadvantages of ducted air conditioning

Advantages of ducted air conditioning

At an aesthetic level, it is the best option because instead of seeing large conditioning devices, we will only see a grid

You save a lot of money to do maintenance, the costs are not high and it is not so complex to do it

There are also various robotic methods that allow the necessary maintenance to be carried out on the ducts, thus allowing the easy distribution of air for air conditioning.

Installation is not complicated at all

It is totally energy efficient speaking and will reduce the costs of electricity consumption

It is comfortable and acoustic, thanks to the fact that it is located in a false ceiling

It is recommended when you want to air-condition more than one room

There are systems that have automatic processes such as closing the grilles of a specific room when you do not want to air-condition that area and they can also regulate temperatures

And if we want to keep a room cold due to the devices or machines it contains, without a doubt, ducted air conditioning is the best option.

It can cause noises because the fan of each unit is close to each area that you want to air condition

It does not allow you to air condition a single area or the ones you want to choose, since these systems distribute cold air or heating throughout the house or office

If the equipment is not pre-installed, the initial investment costs can be a bit high and if the false ceiling is not available, other works must be carried out apart from the installation

If the main unit is not located near a bathroom or a remote corridor, it would be a big problem because these systems evacuate water and can affect users who are living in or entering the place.

Disadvantages of ducted air conditioning

However, ducted air conditioning is still an excellent investment for the user thanks to the multiple functions and benefits that it offers.

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