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What factors will affect the quality of fiber laser cutting machine?

by:VENTECH     2022-03-08

In the actual processing process of the fiber laser cutting machine, more or less will be affected by more factors. For example, the quality of the final cut may not be as ideal as we imagined, so in this Under the circumstances, what is the reason that will affect the quality of the fiber laser cutting machine, many people hope that they can effectively understand it in various ways.

1) The production of images is a very important reason. When the fiber laser cutting machine is actually used, it will be related to their accuracy and the smoothness of the lines. See if there is a specific shape in this respect, and there will be more influencing factors in sheet metal processing or material production, so some fiber laser cutting machines with good dimensions can be used smoothly in the process of work. , The accuracy of image production will definitely affect the final cutting quality.

2) The effect is different, and it can be set effectively according to various materials. In the actual design process of the fiber laser cutting machine, there will be a variety of different material settings, and there are many High-reflective materials, or stainless steel, carbon steel and ordinary metal materials, this series of circumstances will definitely affect the quality of the fiber laser cutting machine.

3) Whether there is still air blowing, it also has a vital impact on the fiber laser cutting machine. In actual use, you must also consider their materials. In fact, there are many cases , The fiber laser cutting machine itself is also related to the final result, some materials in the production process, if not used, may affect the final cutting quality.

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