
E-mail:Machine@chinaventech.com              Expert for pre insulated duct CNC cutting machine.

What about word-of-mouth of VENTECH?

From the point of view of our existing customers, our brand - VENTECH does better than many other brands in the same industry. Our brand features high responsiveness, superior credit, and excellent quality guarantee. For example, we lay emphasis on replying to customers in a fast and efficient way. Service staff can solve customers' problems professionally and patiently, which has earned our brand a lot of favors and excellent appraises. Our customers also express their wish that we can develop more products to satisfy their growing needs in the future.

VENTECH excels in incorporating the design, fabrication, sales and support of assembly machine. The stacking machine series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. VENTECH automated production line meets the safety management regulations and standards for electric devices. It is manufactured in line with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety requirements. This product has been certified under CE for safe operation. The product is highly antibacterial. Its smooth surface lowers the available sites that bacteria are able to adhere to and reduces the amount of bacteria growth. The working speed of this product can be easily set in line with requirements.

We have implemented a wide range of initiatives to realize sustainable development. For example, we fulfill our social responsibility through reduce CO2 emission.

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Tel : +86 757 29200196
Mobile : +86-189 27789653
E-mail : machine@chinaventech.com
Address : No. 3, Hongcha Road, Yinghong
Industrial Zone, Yingde, 513042, Qingyuan, Guangdong, ChinaYPE 2019

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