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Metal laser cutting machine cutting perfect sample method

by:VENTECH     2021-12-13

Our original intention of using a metal laser cutting machine is to use its advantages to help us complete the cutting operation better and faster, although today's metal laser cutting machines are much higher in performance, accuracy and efficiency. Compared with traditional cutting equipment, it is one level higher, but this does not mean that you can use a metal laser cutting machine to reach a perfect level. It takes skill to achieve the ideal cutting effect. So how to use a metal laser cutting machine to cut a more perfect product? Let's see!

How to use a metal laser cutting machine to cut a more perfect product?

First, check the focus position. The advantage of laser cutting is the high energy density of the beam.

Therefore, the diameter of the focal point should be as small as possible to reduce clipping. Because the smaller the focal depth of the focusing lens, the smaller the diameter of the focal point. For high-quality cutting, the effective depth of focus is related to the diameter of the lens and the cutting material.

Therefore, it is important to control the position of the focus relative to the surface of the material being cut. In order to cut certain parts with high precision or thick thickness, several key technologies must be mastered. Since the power density of the laser has a great influence on the cutting speed, the selection of the focal length of the lens is an important issue. After the laser beam is focused, the size of the spot is proportional to the focal length of the lens. After focusing with a short focal length lens, the light spot is very small, and the power density at the focal spot is very high, which is very beneficial for cutting materials. But its disadvantage is that the focal depth is very short and the adjustment range is small, and it is generally suitable for high-speed cutting of thin materials. Since the long focal length lens has a greater depth of focus, it is more suitable for cutting thicker workpieces as long as it has sufficient power density.

After determining which focal length lens to use, the relative position of the focal point and the surface of the workpiece is particularly important to ensure the cutting quality. Due to the high power density during focusing, in most cases, the focus position is only on the surface of the workpiece during the cutting process, or slightly below the surface. During the entire cutting process, ensuring a constant relative position between the focus and the workpiece is an important condition for obtaining stable cutting quality. Sometimes, due to poor heat dissipation during operation, the lens will become hot, causing the focal length to change, and the focus position needs to be adjusted in time.

The above is how to use a metal laser cutting machine to cut a more perfect product. We can adjust the cutting method according to the above content to improve the overall quality of the cut products!

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