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how have robots changed manufacturing?

by:VENTECH     2020-02-27
Break things down into the original Latin, and the manufacturing is actually done with your hand (manu)
Do things (factura).
Robots are a different story.
The word comes from robotnik in the Czech Republic, meaning slave labor.
Don\'t confuse you with science fiction and the cuteness of Japan: humans create robots to do their hard work.
In 1961, the factory opened its doors to modern industrial robots for the first time.
At the time, Unimate joined GM\'s workforce.
Unimate is basically 4,000-pound (1,814-kilogram)
Arms attached to the huge steel drum.
Unimate robot with extraordinary versatility can easily pour liquid metal into the mold, weld the car body together and manipulate 500-pound (227-kilogram)payloads.
In other words, Unimate can perform dangerous or boring tasks that humans often find, and can complete them at a consistent speed and precision.
It never took sick leave, went on strike or violated company rules.
It covers all three shifts for 24 shifts
Don\'t work overtime for one hour.
Needless to say, factory owners like this more and more
New bullshit.
However, the workers in the robot factory are not without their restrictions.
The simplest form of industrial robots is robots.
Humans program them and let them perform a simple task, which they repeat over and over again.
Tasks that require decision-making-
Production, creativity, adaptation and on-the-
Work and study tend to human beings.
But when a job is right for a robot, productivity tends to increase dramatically.
For example, the Drake trailer in Australia has installed a welding robot on the production line, and it is reported that [productivity] has increased by 60%
Source: ABB Australia.
The most obvious effect of industrial mechanization is that it eliminates many unskilled jobs.
Especially in the United States and Japan, the two countries have articulated important factors in the acquisition of robots.
Japan\'s population is negative, and young workers are often reluctant to accept what they see as dull manufacturing jobs.
So industrial robots are a real advantage because they fill in unwanted factory jobs and create more technical positions dedicated to maintenance.
Just as computerized offices rely on a variety of technicians, robotic workers also need technical maintenance.
On the other hand, many factory businesses in the United States go to China and other countries where human resources are very cheap.
Even domestic factory automation, with its charm of increasing productivity and efficiency, failed to reach its peak.
What will the future bring?
Despite the economic downturn in 2009, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR)
Global demand for industrial robots has surged to 2010.
According to IFR, the number of global industrial robots will exceed 1 in 2013. 1 million [source: IFR]
At the same time, robot experts continue to expand the field of industrial robots, such as machine learning, tactile sensing and social intelligent robots.
The future may see machines working with humans and even learning from humans to perform more and more manufacturing tasks.
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