
E-mail:Machine@chinaventech.com              Expert for pre insulated duct CNC cutting machine.

How about sales of foam cutting machine under VENTECH?

According to the statistics offered by our sales department, there is a stable increase in the sales volume of VENTECHfoam cutting machine. By analyzing our existing customer groups, it can be concluded that some new customers are acquaintances to our existing customers who speak highly of our products and services. It is the outcomes brought by word of mouth. Also, we adopt a marketing strategy that updating news and info about our companies and products on official accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. In this way, customers can know more details about us and have interests in working with us.

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YINGDE VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. has been providing high quality automatic machine for years. Currently, we are among China's most competitive manufacturers. VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT has created a number of successful series, and automatic machine is one of them. The product provides a perfect cushioning effect. It will not suddenly crack or break after repeated impact from the foot and ground. This product has been widely used for punching and soft material cutting. Using this product remarkably benefits the electricity system. It helps balance supply and demand in the grid and reduces electricity bills for owners. This product is highly resistant to strong chemicals due to its protective coating.

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We believe that automatic machine will also proceed smoothly in the market of our customers. Ask!

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Tel : +86 757 29200196
Mobile : +86-189 27789653
E-mail : machine@chinaventech.com
Address : No. 3, Hongcha Road, Yinghong
Industrial Zone, Yingde, 513042, Qingyuan, Guangdong, ChinaYPE 2019

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