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Four factors affecting the cutting accuracy of laser cutting machines

For a laser cutting machine, the cutting accuracy is a key factor in judging the quality of a CNC laser cutting machine. Therefore, if you want to buy a high-quality laser cutting machine, the cutting accuracy must be considered. So, what aspects will affect the accuracy of the laser cutting machine? Farilee briefly introduces the following aspects:

Aspect 1: The size of the laser agglomeration of the laser generator. If the light spot is very small after gathering, the cutting precision is very high. If the gap after cutting is also very small, it means that the precision of the laser cutting machine is very high and the quality is very high.

The second aspect: the accuracy of the workbench. If the accuracy of the worktable is very high, the accuracy of the cutting will also be improved. Therefore, the accuracy of the worktable is also a very important factor to measure the accuracy of the laser generator.

The third aspect: the laser beam is condensed into a cone. When cutting, the laser beam is tapered downwards. At this time, the thickness of the cut workpiece is very large, the cutting accuracy will be reduced, and the cut gap will be very large.

Fourth aspect: The difference in cutting materials will also affect the accuracy of the laser cutting machine. In the same situation, the precision of cutting stainless steel and cutting aluminum will be very different, the precision of stainless steel cutting will be higher, and the cut surface will be smoother.

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