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How to choose auxiliary gas for laser cutting machine

How to choose auxiliary gas for laser cutting machine

There are usually three auxiliary gases for laser cutting machines: air, nitrogen and oxygen. Different auxiliary gases are used to cut different materials.

1, compressed air

Air is suitable for cutting aluminum, non-metal and galvanized steel sheets, and to a certain extent, it can reduce the oxide film and save costs. Generally used when the board is relatively thin and does not require high cutting surface. In some industries such as sheet metal chassis, cabinets, cabinets, etc., compressed air is used more. 

2, Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an inert gas, which can prevent oxidation of the cut end surface of the product during cutting, and prevent combustion (prone to occur when the sheet is thick). Nitrogen can be selected for products that require high cutting end faces and are exposed and do not need to be processed, such as some decoration industries and special aerospace parts.

3, oxygen  

Oxygen mainly plays a role in supporting combustion. It can increase the cutting speed and increase the thickness of the cut. Oxygen is suitable for thick plate cutting, high-speed cutting and very thin plate cutting. Oxygen is often used in the cutting of some larger carbon steel plates and thicker carbon steel structures.

When the laser cutting machine is running, the auxiliary gas can not only blow away the slag in time, but also cool the workpiece and clean the lens. In our operation, we should choose the appropriate auxiliary gas according to the cutting material and thickness.

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