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Follow the laser cutting machine procurement system to improve safety

With the continuous development of the cutting industry and science and technology, the structure and performance characteristics of laser cutting machines are becoming more and more diversified. Therefore, when purchasing new laser cutting machines, workers are required to strictly follow the procurement system and from many aspects. Consider, such as the danger of the cutting machine, the maintenance cost of the cutting machine, the life of the parts of the cutting machine, etc., especially when it comes to the purchase of fiber laser cutting machines, it is necessary to ensure that all factors can be controlled by the management personnel. Within the control range to improve the safety of the cutting machine.

The cost of fiber laser cutting machine and related systems is relatively high, and the investment in disposable equipment is relatively large. Secondly, in the welding process, high welding assembly accuracy is required, and the position of the beam on the workpiece must not be significantly shifted. In addition, the welding thickness is smaller than that of electron beam welding, and it is difficult to weld some high-reflectivity metals.

It is not recommended to select the model based on the maximum cutting thickness indicated in a model in the manufacturer's product introduction. Generally, the maximum cutting thickness indicated by the manufacturer in the product introduction refers to the model under standard voltage input. Limit cutting thickness, so this selection will bring unsatisfactory and uneconomical results.

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