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Domestic laser cutting machine must cross the 'innovation gap' to go to the world

by:VENTECH     2022-02-17

   According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, people are ushering in the fourth industrial revolution. Throughout history, every industrial revolution has brought earth-shaking changes to human production and life, but every industrial revolution will produce relative 'winners' and 'losers'. In the laser cutting machine industry, intelligence is an inevitable development trend, and 'innovation' is the basis of this trend.

The status quo of the laser cutting machine industry In recent years, with the rapid development of my country’s economy, the demand for the metal manufacturing industry has continued to increase. Driven by the rapid growth of investment in fixed assets, my country’s laser cutting machine market has shown a prosperous The trend and strong market demand has promoted the rapid development of fiber laser cutting machines. Many merchants like this. More and more merchants join the metal laser equipment manufacturing industry. However, many of them belong to relatively small companies with low independent innovation capabilities and products that cannot keep up with the market demand. This has led to my country's laser cutting The machine market is in chaos.   At present, most of the laser cutting machines in our country still rely on foreign imports, and have not formed their own industrial chain. Compared with the international big brand laser cutting machines, there is still a certain gap. Since my country is a large industrial country, the market demand for laser cutting machines is still very huge. However, the current laser cutting machine companies in my country generally have insufficient innovation capabilities, insufficient high-level production capacity, and low added value of products. Laser cutting machines If manufacturers want to stand out in the industry, they must strive to bridge the 'innovation' gap.

  Change starts with innovation  In a sense, innovation is the driving force behind the development of an enterprise. Enhancing innovation and continuously developing the most advanced solutions for industry applications is the best way out for enterprises. With the improvement of living standards, people's requirements for product quality and individual needs are also increasing. This requires companies to improve their innovation capabilities, develop more advanced products to meet market needs, and strengthen product quality while innovating. , Improve the overall technical level of the product.   Supporting brand building with technological innovation and leading technological innovation with brand, FARLEY•LASERLAB can be regarded as a model. As an internationally well-known brand in the field of cutting and welding, FARLEY•LASERLAB has taken a mature path combining 'study, research, production and use'. The 'High-quality and efficient laser welding and cutting key processes and complete sets of equipment in automobile manufacturing' independently researched and developed by Falile and a number of upstream and downstream organizations won the 2015 'National Science and Technology Progress First Prize'. In 12 years of research and production, the project independently developed 57 types of 126 varieties of high-end laser welding and cutting equipment and production lines, setting 5 firsts and 7 surpasses in the history of global automobile manufacturing technology, and obtained 26 invention patents and 39 utility models. item. Many of its equipment and key components have been successfully applied in 313 companies including Dongfeng Shenlong, SAIC GM, JAC, Jiangling Ford, etc., and have achieved tens of billions of indirect economic benefits so far, winning praise from industry experts, application companies, and the general public.

   Recently, the high-performance, high-power gantry dual-drive fiber laser cutting machine independently developed and produced by Farrelai was shocked to the market, with 38 years of quality accumulation and the common choice of 3000 users. At the Wuxi Taihu International Machine Tool Exhibition from March 10th to 13th, 2016, the 6-kilowatt DF4020 fiber laser cutting machine exhibited by Fariler was shockingly unveiled. Welcome to visit Falilei booth B1, special 06, Falilei will show you high-speed, high-precision, high-power sheet metal laser cutting equipment, and there will be exquisite gifts on site.

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