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Are there services after automatic machine installation?

So as to prolong the lifespan of every automatic machine, YINGDE VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. constantly keeps in contact with all the implemented projects to fix any problems customers may experience. To guarantee the best outcome, our firm has a group of trained and licensed technicians that handle each job in a professional way to turn the job to a reality that exceeds customer expectations. Our efficient and effective after-sales service staff will be on hand to help you.

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VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT has been focusing on fabric cutting machine OEM and ODM services since its inception. VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT's automatic machine is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. The product has been approved by creditable quality certificates. Its heavy-duty design makes it strongly withstand extreme temperature variations. Identifying the competitive advantage for itself and sustaining it is at the heart of VENTECH INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT. This product stands out for its outstanding lubricating effect.

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We have high-performance work teams. They understand and support the meaning and value of the company's mission and vision. They connect their roles and responsibilities to enhance team potential and thereby enhance company competence.

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Tel : +86 757 29200196
Mobile : +86-189 27789653
E-mail : machine@chinaventech.com
Address : No. 3, Hongcha Road, Yinghong
Industrial Zone, Yingde, 513042, Qingyuan, Guangdong, ChinaYPE 2019

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