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Application of laser cutting machine in sheet metal industry

With the rapid development of sheet metal processing technology, domestic processing technology is also moving at a rapid pace, and the gap between and foreign countries is getting smaller and smaller. Many well-known foreign companies have moved their manufacturing bases to China. At the same time, they have also given sheet metal Processing brought many reactionary ideas.

Laser cutting is a technological reaction of sheet metal processing, and it is the 'processing center' in sheet metal processing; laser cutting has high flexibility, fast cutting speed, high consumption efficiency, and short product consumption cycle, which has won universal customers Market. Laser cutting has no cutting force, no deformation in processing; no tool wear, good data compliance; no matter simple or complex parts, it can be cut with laser precision and rapid forming at one time; its cutting gap is narrow, the cutting quality is good, the level of automation is high, and the operation Simple, low labor intensity, and no pollution; it can complete cutting and automatic nesting and nesting, which improves the data application rate, low consumption cost, and good economic benefits. The technology has a long effective lifespan. At present, laser cutting is used for most of the plates with a thickness of more than 2 mm in foreign countries. Many foreign experts analyze that the next 30-40 years will be the golden period of laser processing technology development (the direction of sheet metal processing development) .

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