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Analysis of laser cutting machine system composition

The laser cutting machine system generally consists of a laser generator, an (external) beam transmission component, a workbench (machine tool), a microcomputer numerical control cabinet, a cooler, and a computer (hardware and software).

  1, laser generator.

   For the purpose of laser cutting machines, except for a few occasions where YAG solid-state lasers are used, most of them use CO2 gas lasers with higher electrical-optical conversion efficiency and higher output power. Because laser cutting requires high beam quality, not all lasers can be used for cutting.

  2, CNC cutting machine tools.

   is composed of three parts, namely the worktable (usually a precision machine tool), the beam transmission system (sometimes called the external optical path, that is, the transmission optics and mechanical components of the beam in the entire optical path before the laser beam reaches the workpiece) and computer numerical control system. According to the relative movement of the cutting cabinet and the worktable, it can be divided into the following three types:

   (1) During the cutting process, both the beam (shot by the cutting torch) and the worktable move. Generally, the beam moves in the Y direction and the worktable moves in the X direction.

   (2) During the cutting process, only the beam (cutting torch) moves, but the worktable does not move.

  (3) During the cutting process, only the worktable moves, while the beam (cutting torch) is fixed.

  3, five-axis machine.

  In industrial production, we sometimes encounter the problem of cutting three-dimensional three-dimensional components, but general two-axis and three-axis laser cutting machines can only cut two-dimensional plane workpieces, which requires a cutting machine equipped with a robot, that is, a five-axis machine .

  4. Laser punching machine.

   This kind of machine uses a mechanical method to punch out the inner hole of a workpiece with a complex shape, and then uses a laser cutting method to cut out the outer edge and the line that needs to be cut over a long distance.

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